The Āwhina Philosophy
Āwhina is a loving home away from home.
Āwhina’s daily rhythms are centred around our home-like environment, which are pivotal to the tamariki in our care. Our holistic approach to early childcare is woven through every part of Āwhina, where we nurture the wellbeing of each tamariki in line with whānau aspirations. We have a deep understanding that our tamariki come with their own whakapapa and turangawaewae, and seek to develop strong whanaungatanga to ensure our tamariki understand their uniqueness. Our Ᾱwhina philosophy also pays tribute to the holistic learning offered from the anthroposophical approach to learning and development, which simply stated means ‘wisdom of the human being’. That is, we wish to actively enhance the mental and physical growth of our tamariki through supporting and cherishing their overall wellbeing.
Awhina tamariki learn and play inside with arts, crafts, and resources made from beautifully crafted natural materials. Outside our tamariki explore a wonderful garden environment that is also home to our chickens! The nutritious vegetarian meals we provide with the help of our tamariki are carefully planned and prepared to make the most of seasonal produce, including harvests from our own fruit and vegetable gardens.
Our environmentally conscious principles extend to composting, sustainable practices, and appropriate cleaning and maintenance for the health and wellbeing of our tamariki. Through mindful role-modelling, we aim to guide the next generation of kaitiaki that will care and contribute to society in a positive way.
We protect tamariki from a sensory load, that can often be overwhelming, by guiding them gently into an enriched life of learning and development. This allows tamariki to learn at their own pace and time, through interests that are wholly theirs … from life for life.