Āwhina Pēpi
A holistic home-away from home, childcare for infants and children up to 3 years

Āwhina Pēpi located on Te Aute Road in Havelock North, is a loving home away from home childcare centre dedicated especially for infants and children up to 3 years old. Our daily rhythms are centred around this home-like environment, and are pivotal to the tamariki in our care. Our holistic approach to early childcare education is woven through every part of Āwhina Pēpi, where we nurture the wellbeing of each tamariki in line with whānau aspirations.
Our tamariki learn and play inside with arts, crafts, and resources made from beautifully crafted natural materials. Outside our tamariki can explore a peaceful garden and inspiring space to learn and safely explore! A huge part of our holistic care is the nutritious vegetarian meals we provide which are carefully planned and prepared to make the most of Hawkes Bay seasonal produce and whole foods.
Our space
Our tamariki learn and play inside with arts, crafts, and resources made from beautifully crafted natural materials. Outside our tamariki can explore a peaceful garden and inspiring space to learn and safely explore! We have two rooms at Awhina Pēpi, one for our youngest non-mobile infants and another for our older tamariki. We also have 3 sleep rooms, a beautiful deck and a wide range of carefully chosen, age appropriate resources.
Daily rhythms
Āhwina has a beautiful natural daily rhythm, from play, meal times, and sleep to home time. The teaching team support & guide the children through these daily rhythms with grace & ease. The children come to experience & know Āwhina’s healthy rhythms which bestows a sense of comfort and security in knowing what is to happen next. Each child is therefore nourished, well-rested, happy and able to make a transition back into their home environment. Relationships are at the heart of everything we do and we ensure each child has a key teacher to support and guide them through the settling in transition, from home to Āwhina.
At Āwhina Pēpi we believe that nutrition is the foundation of a healthy, happy child. We provide nutrient dense, organic where possible, whole-food vegetarian meals that are prepared lovingly in the Āwhina kitchen by our passionate cook. The meals are prepared using local-where-possible produce, including seasonal fruits, vegetables and whole foods. We can cater to any dietary needs your child may have.